A call for Expression of Interest: Establishing a foundation for the future Water Operators’ Partnerships Platform for South-Eastern Europe within GWOPA

In its effort to scaling-up WOPs globally, GWOPA has explored interest for WOPs in South Eastern Europe through a membership drive that brought ten new members from the region to the Alliance and a dedicated session held during the last 2023 Global WOPs Congress in Bonn.

In order to strengthen the rising momentum, GWOPA is now calling for relevant partners in the region to join efforts to promote WOPs and establish a solid basis for the establishment of a sub-regional South Eastern Europe WOP platform.

The Secretariat has opened a Call for Expression of Interest in the view of an Agreement of Cooperation for the following activities :

  • Promote WOPs and GWOPA’s membership towards public and private utilities, utility associations, regulators, public asset holding companies, local governments, water basin organizations, relevant water sector NGOs and CSOs, knowledge institutions and research institutes, and other types of relevant partners, as per GWOPA’s Charter list of eligible constituencies;
  • Propose capacity-building activities relevant to future WOPs;
  • Create and moderate a sub-regional group online through the GWOPA’s Community of Practice and initiate knowledge exchanges;
  • Organize a two-day launching event
  • Identify potential sources of funding and donors for the long-term sustainability of a WOP platform for the countries in the region.
  • Develop a joint funding proposal for a future WOP program, including coordination and hosting, based on the matchmaking exercise held during the launching event.


More information and details about the application are available here.

Call Expressions of Interest to water and sanitation utility associations, utility networks and other relevant entities to promote Water Operators Partnerships (WOPs) and establish a basis for sub-regional platforms in South-Eastern Europe within GWOPA. | UN-Habitat (unhabitat.org)

Please note that the deadline to submit EoI is 25th October 2023.