Webinar Announcement: A Global Exchange on COVID-19 Between Water Operators, featuring German and Other Experiences
Tomorrow, April 28, at 8:30 a.m. UTC+2, GWOPA together with GIZ, BMZ and GWP hold a first webinar of a series of knowledge sharing webinars for water and sanitation operators around the globe on COVID-19 crisis.
Water utilities are critical to curbing the coronavirus crisis and many are leading efforts to ensure water, sanitation and handwashing is accessible for all. Many are also facing growing challenges related to the economic impacts of the pandemic. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, operators are turning to their peers more than ever for solidarity-based support.
For this, GWOPA/UN-Habitat is preparing a series of knowledge sharing webinars on topics related to the Coronavirus. For the first of these webinars, the Alliance is joining GIZ, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Water Partnership in convening a first COVID-19 webinar exchange for water and sanitation operators.
“Lessons from Beyond the Curve” will feature the experience of German operators in responding to the crisis.
Register here!