BEWOP Tool Series: Green Utility Toolkit
Author: IHE Delft Categories / Tags: Tools and Guidance Date: 2019 Area: All Language: English Topics: Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation Resilience Tags: BEWOP | DownloadThe Green Utility Toolkit is a self-assessment strategic planning and monitoring tool for water and wastewater utilities that are interested and willing to improve their practices in a sustainable and environmentally-conscious manner. As such, the terms ‘green’ and ‘greening’ refer to the processes and activities that can be implemented by utilities to support their development along the 3 pillars of sustainability – Social, Environmental, and Economical – while considering a long-term business horizon.
Through a didactic participatory session, identify what being “green” is for your organization and develop a coherent plan of action and monitoring.
Access the full Green Utility Toolkit here