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Plenary Session

Sustainable Water Management for Improved Urban Liveability and Resilience

Tuesday, 23 May 2023
15:45 — 17:15
Plenary Room
Droogh Trommelen en Partners (DTNP), City of Bonn, Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company and UN-Habitat
Effective urban water management strategies are not only important in improving access to clean drinking water. Still, they can play a fundamental role in climate change adaptation, ecological restoration, and improving the overall liveability and resilience of our cities. This can be achieved by integrating green infrastructure into our city design and planning, where parks, gardens, rainwater harvesting ponds, wetlands, trees, and green roofs can replace gutters, drains, and tunnels, which has been shown to deliver infrastructure and ecosystem services with a more significant positive impact and lower cost.
— Session Programme
Introduction to speakers (10 minutes)
Green urban water management and society (15 minutes)
Green infrastructure policy and planning (15 minutes)
Public awareness and implementation (15 minutes)
Financing (15 minutes)
Q&A (15 minutes)
Final remarks (5 minutes)