To achieve SDG 6, we must jointly address the massive capacity and gender gap within the water sector! Women must have their say and position in all levels of water jobs, which offer an environment for their career goals and advancement. Therefore, recruiting and retaining women in water jobs is crucial for all!
Speed mentoring is an informal mentoring concept that allows us to meet with other female professionals in the sector and to discuss, listen, learn and network on work-related topics that are important to each of us.
The female participants broaden their network, meeting new colleagues and old friends.
The workshop session is led by the Women in Water & Sanitation Network (WWSN) and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) and co-convened by the international women networks CWIW, AWSPN, WFWP, AfWASA, Aysa, and the RWSN.
Together, we create an inspiring space for water women to network, connect, empower, and learn from each other.
Women only!
A light breakfast and coffee/tee will be served.