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RS 6

South Eastern Europe Regional session: Let’s see, could we WOP SEE?

Tuesday, 23 May 2023
15:45 — 17:15
Berlin Room
International Association of Water Companies in the Danube Reiver Catchment Area (IAWD) with Hungarian Water Partnership (HWP), Athens Waterworks (EYDAP), Serbian Water Partnership (SWP - TBC), Albanian Water Association (SHUK)

South-East European (SEE) countries were unfortunately mostly not eligible for the EU-WOP program, but nevertheless, there are several interesting WOP past and ongoing examples in the region, there is a growing number of GWOPA members that now come from the SEE region, and furthermore there seems to be a significant potential and interest of operators and other stakeholders for the development of the WOP platform for SEE (WOP SEE).  This session aims to showcase previous and ongoing WOPs activities of water operators in the region, to provide a glance in who-is-who regarding the interest in WOPs activities in the region, and to bring these stakeholders together to discuss what may be some of potential supporting opportunities and what may be some likely challenges to address properly if a WOP SEE platform should be initiated. In short, let’s see could we WOP SEE?

— Session Programme
Moderator: Aleksandar Krstic, IAWD
  • 00-05 min - Round of quick introductions;
  • 05-15 min - Cooperation of water utilities in the SEE region – Katerina Schilling, IAWD;
  • 15-25 min – WOPs activities in Greece – the past and the future - Efthymios Lytras, EYDAP;
  • 25-35 min – Example of a dynamic network of operators – Milo Fiasconaro, APE;
  • 35-40 min – Potential of WOPs platform in SEE – Anne Bousquet, GWOPA;
  • 40- 85 mins Panel discussion : What support for a WOP SEE initiative and way forward for a WOP SEE platform
  • Funding mechanisms – GIZ representative (tbc) EU representative (tbc);
  • Dalibor Joknic – Serbian Chamber of Serbia (online),
  • Elisabeta Poci - Albanian Waterworks Association (SHUKALB),
  • Ivan Ivanov – Bulgarian Water Association (online),
  • Representative from Budapest WaterWorks (tbc),
  • Valeria Suarez, WOP LAC
  • Johannes Lohaus -DWA & EWA (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall and European Water Association- tbc)
  • 85-90 mins Conclusions and the way forward