TS 21

New Tools for Utilities to Move Forward: Self-Assessment and Benchmarking for Performance, Management, and Credit Worthiness

Tuesday, 23 May 2023
10:30 — 12:00
Kleiner Saal
World Bank Group, Maynilad Water, Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority, Water Supply and Sewerage Association Albania, African Water Association, Aquafed Water Integrity Network, VEI/WWX

The objective of the side event is to highlight a number of Innovative World Bank Tools available to Utilities to improve performance management and transparency – respectively by self-assessing and benchmarking their own management, performance and creditworthiness in comparison with others. The tools include the NewIBNET platform and partnership that invites utilities to regularly share their data on key performance indicators and management practices so as to be able to compare themselves and learn from other comparable utilities around the world ( Furthermore, the session will also feature the Utility of the Future program, a turn-around framework that utilities can use to support their own internal change management processes. The third tool presented and discussed is a new Water Utility Creditworthiness course that was designed to help water and sanitation providers to become more efficient and bankable. The online and self-paced course allows participants to use (a) the Water Utility Index that allows providers to quickly assess where they stand in terms of viability and creditworthiness (a form of a shadow credit rating); and (b) WaterCred which provides utility managers with tailored guidance on steps that providers may take to improve their creditworthiness.


The purpose of the proposed side event is to trigger a discussion around self-management and learning – from one’s own current and past performance and from others – to improve water supply and sanitation services (WSS) delivered by utilities. The side event will also be an opportunity to learn about practical dimensions of new tools available – in particular the New IBNET platform and other complementary initiatives such as Utilities of the Future and the Water Utility Creditworthiness course, all available for utilities, regulators, and other development organizations.

Panelists representing stakeholders from utilities, regulatory bodies, utility associations, and development partners, will reflect on challenges and opportunities associated with platforms that can inform decision making in the WSS sector – in particular where transparency, data culture, and benchmarking with others are concerned. The guiding questions will focus on

sharing experiences in using data and information for self-assessment to improve decisions within the utilities and the use of data to shape broader policies and reform agendas.

Questions will also explore the benefits and cost of (self-)assessments that go beyond the boundaries of the utilities themselves and into the public domain – to inform regulators on decision making and polices towards improved and sustained service delivery, as well as potential investors and supporters. Discussions will be aligned with key action areas to close the SDG6 gap, specifically in regard to access to reliable data, Improving knowledge generation and dissemination, and the mobilization of financing.

— Session Programme
 Time Topic Speaker
15 min New World Bank Tools for Performance, Management and Creditworthiness – Interactive Presentation Monika Weber-Fahr, Senior Advisor, World Bank Group and Guil Monteiro, Partnership Associate, World Bank Group
40 min Moderated Panel Discussion: •                • Do we use Self-Assessment to improve Management and Performance? •                • (Why) does it help to compare oneself with others? With whom? Examples? •                • Why is it so hard to take decisions in an organization like a water utility that would lead to performance improvements…? •                • The NewIBNET platform will lead to more transparency on performance and management practices – even though the data points themselves are no secret. Does this matter? •                • How can we help the NewIBNET partnership to be successful in mobilizing performance data from utilities – every year in every country?   Utilities: •                • Edmundo Perez (Head, Technical Advocacy, Maynilad Water) •                • Meseret Assefa (General Management Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority)   Utility Associations •                • Elisabeta Poci (Exectuive Director, Water Supply and Sewerage Association Albania) •                • Dr. Simeon Kenfack (TBC Director Programs, African Water Association) •                • Neil Dhot (Executive Director, Aquafed)   Development Partners •                • Claire Grandadam (Communications&Transparency, Water Integrity Network) •                • Adriaan Mels (Regional Director/Vitens Evides International/WaterWorX)  
30 min   Panel Discussion with the Session Participants   Practical examples, Showcasing.