Sanitation workers play a critical role in the sanitation supply chain, performing tasks such as emptying pits and septic tanks, cleaning toilets, sewers, and manholes, and operating pumping stations and sewage treatment plants. The importance of improving the rights and working conditions of sanitation workers has recently gained momentum, given the urgent need to rapidly expand sanitation services to meet the delayed target of achieving SDG 6.2.
- Opening remarks (5-10min) Ibra Sow (PASA)
- The role of standards and certification for FSM services (5min + 3min) Jennifer Williams (FSMA) and Ajith Edathoot (SuSanA WG10)
- Example of a sanitation workers services integrated approach of the Water Utility NAWASSCO in Kenya (10min) Zaituni Kanneje (NAWASSCO)
- Sanitation Workers in the global agenda: presentation of ISW, SuSanA, and the Sanitation Workers Knowledge and Learning Hub (5min + 3min) ISW (someone from WaterAid) and Teresa Haeberlein (SuSanA)
- Group discussion with development of an action plan for 2023 (40 min)
• Group 1: moderated by Zaituni Kanneje and Nadine Arche: How can sanitation workers be formally integrated into public services and utilities?
• Group 2: moderated by Alexandra Dubois and Siemen Veenstra: How to best use networks, communities of practice, tools, and sector platforms in the workplace to advance the cause of improved working conditions for sanitation workers?
- Report to plenary (10 min) Group rapporteurs
- Closing remarks (3 min) speaker tbd