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Congress sessions will take stock of current water and sanitation operators’ issues, showcase good approaches, and offer recommendations for how operators can tackle challenges through peer-to-peer partnerships.

Each theme will be addressed through a combination of roundtables, dialogues, and sessions based on offer and demand received through the call.

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Sesión regional América Latina y Caribe / Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Session


Thursday 21 October — 17.00-19.00 (CEST)

Languages: Spanish, English

En esta sesión regional se presentarán distintos tipos de WOPs llevados adelante en LAC, cuyos participantes compartirán sus experiencias, desde la definición de objetivos hasta los resultados obtenidos. También se mostrará una experiencia inspiradora, que podría replicarse en otros países. Finalmente se repasarán las actividades de difusión de conocimiento propuestas a los miembros de la plataforma durante la pandemia de COVID-19 / In this regional session, different types of WOPs carried out in LAC will be presented; participants will share their experiences, from the definition of the objectives to the results obtained. An inspiring experience will also be shown, which could be replicated in other countries. Finally, the knowledge management activities proposed to the members of the platform during the COVID-19 pandemic will be reviewed
