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Congress sessions will take stock of current water and sanitation operators’ issues, showcase good approaches, and offer recommendations for how operators can tackle challenges through peer-to-peer partnerships.

Each theme will be addressed through a combination of roundtables, dialogues, and sessions based on offer and demand received through the call.

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WOPs´ monitoring. What for? And How?


Thursday 21 October — 10.00-12.00 (CEST)

Languages: English, French, Spanish

The topic of results monitoring will be briefly introduced, and key questions will be raised about common practice in WOPs monitoring so far. Several WOP practitioners will then take the floor in the form of two roundtables. The first one will focus mostly on the Why question. Why Monitoring? What is the main purpose? The second one will focus on the How question. How do WOP practitioners monitor? What indicators do they monitor? Who conducts the data collection and reporting? How frequently? As part of this second part speakers will present their own experiences, methodologies, lessons learned for future approaches to WOPs´ monitoring. These presentations will be followed by an open discussion.